Pulse-quickening novels that grab both head and heart.
Philadelphia, PA USA dr@counsel.global 610.660.9550
Amazon Loves
Old Dogs, New Tricks

Amazon has selected Old Dogs, New Tricks to feature in their April Kindle deals. Don't miss this 99 cent special! Get your copy at: https://tinyurl.com/yjwnjhek.
My publisher tells me that Amazon is highly selective in choosing books to feature on the monthly Kindle deals. I got this notification on April Fool’s Day, but it’s the real deal. Following on the heels of Down Wind and Out of Sight (which won 5 literary awards), Old Dogs, New Tricks has been well reviewed on Amazon and GoodReads, but this selection provides a real exposure and marketing boost now that the book has been on the market for six months.
Other good news relates to the other Victor Harding adventures. As I’ve posted before, Old Dogs, New Tricks is the first in a three-book trilogy featuring a famous architect, now retired, forced into a life of crime after suffering catastrophic financial reverses. I’m pleased to report that the other two books in the series, Sea Cruise and The Best Revenge, now have been written and are at the tender mercies of my team of beta readers and professional editors. I anticipate that Sea Cruise will be published in late 2024 and that The Best Revenge will hit the market in the first quarter of 2025.
The new books take Victor Harding and his highly unconventional family in new and decidedly high-risk directions in exotic locales while continuing to explore the family’s evolution, individually and collectively. I am very pleased with both books and look forward to getting them to market.
On the less good news front, you may have noticed that this website has been dark for the last few months. I owe this to a continuing battle with Lyme Disease, which finally seems to have been won, so you can count on hearing from me more frequently in coming months.